User Manual: SQL Server


Data representation

Bingo supports Daylight SMILES with some ChemAxon extensions and MDL (Symyx) Molfile/Rxnfile formats both in the text and binary representation. All methods like Mass, Gross, Molfile, SMILES and etc. have same functions for binary data with B suffix: MassB, GrossB and etc. Please look at the corresponding section of Bingo User Manual for Oracle for details.


Suppose you have a table with a nvarchar, varchar or ‘varbinary’ column containing a Molfiles/Rxnfiles or SMILES with molecules or reactions. In order to make Bingo work with your table, you would need a column in your table containing a unique integer number for each molecule or reaction. Normally, although not necessary, this is a primary key. If you have a [n]varchar field as the primary key, you still have to add a unique integer field.

Once you have prepared your table, you can execute CheckMoleculeTable or CheckReactionTable to ensure that all the records are valid. These functions return table with invalid records and corresponding error message. All molecules or reactions that are in this table will be excluded from the chemical index. You can update these molecules later after indexing.

After you have prepared and checked your table, you can execute CreateMoleculeIndex or CreateReactionIndex to make Bingo search procedures available for you table. The more records the table contains, the longer it takes to create an index.


You can specify the query molecule as a nvarchar string containing a Molfile (including various query features), a SMILES, or a SMARTS string. For reaction queries, use Rxnfiles, reaction SMILES, or reaction SMARTS.

Note: In order to make substructure search faster, Bingo loads the indexed molecules into memory. The loading itself takes some time, and as a result, the first substructure query runs slower than all the subsequent ones. The loaded molecules are shared across other SQL sessions, and so other sessions there will not encounter such time lags. The memory is freed as soon as all the sessions working with this table are disconnected. You can force Bingo not to unload index cache by calling SetKeepCache function.


Creating an Index

The same syntax is for command to creates the index:

exec bingo.CreateMoleculeIndex '$table', '$id', '$molecule';

$table is the name of the table containing molecule data in column $molecule and the unique integer identifier in column $id.

Updating and Dropping Index

You can add, remove, or edit records in the table after the index is created. Adding records does not slow down the queries, i.e. the performance will be the same as if you had indexed the whole table at once. No re- indexing is required after adding the records.

After you insert, update or delete, you must either:

  • close the SQL session, or

  • execute Bingo.FlushOperations() procedure.

If the index was modified, any search procedure will be raising an exception until FlushOperations is called.

It is much faster to insert, delete or update records in a single SQL statement rather by doing it one by one. If you have the indexed table, and you have another portion on molecules that you to add, then you should do it in a single SQL statement:

insert into <table> (<columns>) select <columns> from <table_with_new_molecules>

Please see the corresponding section of Bingo User Manual for Oracle for more details and recommendations. Please, note that for SQL Server flush procedure is called FlushOperations because it must be called after delete operations too.

Format Conversion

You can convert a molecule to SMILES string with bingo.SMILES function:

select bingo.SMILES(molfile) from mytable;

select, bingo.SMILES(molfile)
   from mytable, bingo.SearchSub(mytable, 'NNC1C=CC=CC=1', '') t
   where =;

You can get a SMILES string of a highlighted molfiles:

select, bingo.SMILES(bingo.SubHi(molfile, 'NNC1C=CC=CC=1', ''))
   from mytable, bingo.SearchSub(mytable, 'NNC1C=CC=CC=1', 'TOP 100') t
   where =;

You can convert a molecule to Molfile using the bingo.Molfile function:

select bingo.Molfile('C1=CC2=C(C=C1)C=CC=C2');

The automatic layout procedure is performed to calculate the 2D coordinates of the resulting molecule.

You can convert a molecule to CML format using the bingo.CML function:

select bingo.CML('C1=CC2=C(C=C1)C=CC=C2');

Canonical SMILES computation

You can use the bingo.CanSMILES() function to generate canonical SMILES strings for molecules represented as Molfiles or SMILES strings. Please see the corresponding section of Bingo User Manual for Oracle to learn the benefits of Bingo canonical SMILES format.

Molecule Fingerprints

You can generate a molecule fingerprint via bingo.Fingerprint function. The syntax is the same as for Bingo for Oracle, and it is described in this section.

InChI and InChIKey

You can use bingo.InChI and bingo.InChIKey function to get InChI and InChIKey strings. The syntax is the same as for Bingo for Oracle, and it is described in this section.


Creating an Index

The following command creates the index:

exec bingo.CreateReactionIndex '$table', '$id', '$reaction';

$table is the name of the table containing chemical reaction data in column $reaction and the unique integer identifier in column $id.


The syntax of SMARTS expression search is similar to the ordinary substructure search:

select $table.* from $table, bingo.SearchRSMARTS('$table', $query, 'TOP $n') t
   where $table.$id =;

The highlighting of SMARTS matches is also done in a similar way to the ordinary reaction substructure search:

select $table.<columns>, t.highlighting from $table, bingo.SearchRSMARTSHi('$table', $query, '$parameters; TOP $n') t
   where $table.$id =;


select $table.*, bingo.RSMARTSHi($column, $query)
   from $table, bingo.SearchSMARTS('$table', $query, 'TOP $n') t
   where $table.$id =;

Please see the corresponding section of Bingo User Manual for Oracle to learn the rules of SMARTS matching in Bingo.

Exact Search

The general form of exact search query is as follows:

select $table.* from $table, bingo.SearchRExact('$table', $query, '$parameters; TOP $n') t
   where $table.$id =;

The meaning of $table, $id, $query, $parameters, and $n is the same as in SearchSub function.

Please see the corresponding section of Bingo User Manual for Oracle to learn the rules of Bingo exact matching and various flags available for $parameters string.

Highlighting the resulting reactions

You can get the highlighted results by using BingoSearchRSub function:

select $table.<columns>, t.highlighting from $table, bingo.SearchRSubHi('$table', $query, '$parameters; TOP $n') t
   where $table.$id =;

Or you can use the bingo.RSubHi function on each resulting reaction to get an Rxnfile containing the highlighted substructure:

select $table.*, bingo.RSubHi($column, $query)
   from $table, bingo.SearchRSub('$table', $query, 'TOP $n') t
   where $table.$id =;

$column is the column in your $table which contain the reactions.

Automatic Atom-to-Atom mapping

You can compute reaction AAM by calling bingo.AAM function:

select bingo.AAM($reaction, $strategy);

As $reaction you can specify a nvarchar string containing reaction SMILES or Rxnfile. The return value is an Rxnfile. In case the given reaction is represented as a reaction SMILES, the automatic reaction layout is performed.

The corresponding section of Bingo User Manual for Oracle describes the allowable values of the $strategy parameter and shows some examples.

Format Conversion

You can convert a reaction to reaction SMILES string with bingo.RSMILES function:

select bingo.RSMILES(rxnfile) from mytable;

select, bingo.RSMILES(rxnfile)
   from mytable, bingo.SearchRSub(mytable, '>>NNC1C=CC=CC=1', '') t
   where =;

You can get a SMILES string of a highlighted molfiles:

select, bingo.RSMILES(bingo.RSubHi(molfile, '>>NNC1C=CC=CC=1'))
   from mytable, bingo.SearchRSub(mytable, '>>NNC1C=CC=CC=1', 'TOP 100') t
   where =;

You can convert a reaction SMILES string to Rxnfile using the bingo.Rxnfile function:

select bingo.Rxnfile('COC(=O)CC1=CC(=C)NC2=C1C(=O)CCC2>>ONC(=O)CC1=CC(=O)NC2=C1C(CCC2)=NO');

The automatic layout procedure is performed to calculate the 2D coordinates of the resulting reaction.

You can convert a reaction to a reaction CML using the bingo.RCML function:

select bingo.RCML('COC(=O)CC1=CC(=C)NC2=C1C(=O)CCC2>>ONC(=O)CC1=CC(=O)NC2=C1C(CCC2)=NO');

Reaction Fingerprints

You can generate a reaction fingerprint via bingo.RFingeprint function. The syntax is the same as for Bingo for Oracle, and it is described in this section.

Importing and Exporting Data

Importing SDFiles, RDFiles, and SMILES files

You can import a molecule or reaction table from an SDF file. You can also import SDF fields corresponding to each record in the SDF file. Prior to importing, you have to create the table manually:

create table $table ($id int, $column nvarchar(max), ...);
exec bingo.ImportSDF '$table', '$column', '$filename.sdf[.gz]', '$sdf_id $id[, $other_columns]';
  • $table is the name of the table containing molfiles in $column

  • $id is another column of the table, containing unique integer identifiers, which are read from $sdf_id field of the SDF file.

  • $other_columns is the comma-separated list of space-separated ‘property-column’ pairs that are to be imported. Each given SDF property is mapped to the given table column. You can specify an empty string if there are no properties to import.

  • $filename is the location of the resulting file on the server filesystem.

A simple example of importing the NCI 2D compound database would be the following:

create table nci (nsc int, molfile nvarchar(max));
exec bingo.ImportSDF 'nci', 'molfile', 'C:\Users\Administrator\july2008_2d.sdf', 'nsc nsc';

GZip-compressed data is detected automatically in ImportSDF, and so you can call it the same way:

exec bingo.ImportSDF 'nci', 'molfile', 'C:\Users\Administrator\july2008_2d.sdf.gz', 'nsc nsc';

Importing RDF files is done with ImportRDF() function the same way as SDF files:

create table $table ($id int, $column nvarchar(max), ...);
exec bingo.ImportRDF '$table', '$column', '$filename.rdf[.gz]', '$sdf_id $id[, $other_columns]';

Importing multi-line molecule or reaction SMILES file is done the similar way with the ImportSMILES() function:

create table $table ($id int, $column nvarchar(max), ...);
exec bingo.ImportSMILES '$table', '$column', '$filename.sdf[.gz]', '$id';

The identifier within SMILES string, which goes for the $id column, is anything that goes after the molecule or reaction, separated by space.

Note: When you import the file contents to a table, the old table contents are not removed. Thus, you can import multiple files into the same table.

Exporting SDFiles

Exporting SDF files is conducted in a similar way to importing. You can export the molecule or reaction table to an SDF file.

EXEC Bingo.ExportSDF '$table', '$column', '$filename', '$other_columns'

Example of exporting the PubChem database to the /tmp/pubchem.sdf file:

EXEC Bingo.ExportSDF 'PUBCHEM.COMPOUNDS', 'structure', 'c:/tmp/pubchem.sdf', 'cid, name, mw'

Utility functions

Extracting the Names of Molecules and Reactions

bingo.Name function extracts the molecule or reaction name from Molfile, Rxnfile, or SMILES string.

SELECT bingo.Name(molfile) from mytable;

SELECT bingo.Name('c1ccc2ccccc2c1 Naphthalene');

Calculating Molecule Properties

bingo.Mass function returns the molecular weight of the given molecule, represented as a Molfile or SMILES string. It has an additional parameter which defines the ‘kind’ of the resulting molecular mass value.

  • Bingo.Mass($molecule, ' is a short for Bingo.Mass($molecule, 'molecular-weight').

  • Bingo.Mass($molecule, 'molecular-weight') returns the molecular weight.

  • Bingo.Mass($molecule, 'most-abundant-mass') returns the most abundant mass, which is calculated using most likely isotopic composition for a single random molecule.

  • Bingo.Mass($molecule, 'monoisotopic-mass') returns the monoisotopic mass, which is calculated using the most abundant isotope of each element.

Here are some examples of using the Bingo.Mass() operator:

select bingo.Mass('C1C=CC=CC=1', '');

select bingo.MolecularWeight(molfile, 'most-abundant-mass') from mytable;

Similarly, bingo.Gross() function returns the gross formula of the given molecule

select bingo.Gross('C1C=CC=CC=1');

select bingo.Gross(molfile) from mytable;

Checking Molecules and Reactions for Correctness

You can use the bingo.CheckMolecule() function to check that molecules are presented in acceptable form. If the molecule has some problems (unsupported format, exceeded valence, incorrect stereochemistry), the functions returns a string with the description of the problem. Is the molecule is represented with a correct Molfile or SMILES string, the function returns null.

SELECT bingo.CheckMolecule($molecule);

SELECT $table.*, bingo.CheckMolecule($column) from $table where bingo.CheckMolecule($column) is not null;

Similarly, you can check reactions for correctness with the bingo.CheckReaction() function:

SELECT bingo.CheckReaction($reaction);

SELECT $table.*, bingo.CheckReaction($column) from $table where bingo.CheckReaction($column) is not null;

To check the whole table you can use CheckMoleculeTable and CheckReactionTable functions. It is much faster to check the whole table then to check each molecule one by one.

The following command checks the table for invalid molecules/reactions:

select * from bingo.CheckMoleculeTable('$table', '$id', '$molecule')
select * from bingo.CheckReactionTable('$table', '$id', '$reaction_column')

$table is the name of the table containing molecule/reaction data in column $molecule/$reaction and the unique integer identifier in column $id.

These functions returns a table with molecule/reactions that have mistakes. Such records will not be added to them chemical index. Before indexing new table we recommend you to call this method and correct mistakes. If molecule is correct by Bingo gives a error message on it then we can fix it if you provide us the molecule with mistakes. The easiest way to do this is to collect problematic molecules into one table and then call ExportSDF on this table. For example:

select,, err.msg into molecules_with_mistakes from <table> t, bingo.CheckMoleculeTable('<table>', 'id', 'data') err where
exec bingo.ExportSDF 'molecules_with_mistakes', 'data', 'c:/molecules_with_mistakes.sdf', 'id, msg'

Permissions management

The following users and user roles are created during installation of Bingo :

  • User bingo. All procedures and functions are signed by a certificate that is mapped to this user. bingo has permissions to create tables in the database. Every procedure and every function of Bingo has has both current user permissions and bingo user permissions during execution.

  • bingo_reader user role. This user role has permissions to execute Bingo functions because functions don’t have side effects.

  • bingo_operator user role. This user role has permissions to execute public Bingo procedures and functions. bingo_operator also inherits bingo_reader permissions.

So for precise permissions management you need:

  • For Bingo index creation your need to grant user bingo alter permissions on the such table, because index creation attaches triggers to the specified table for inserting, updating and deleting records.

  • Add operator user to the bingo_operator user role. Such users will have permissions to create/drop molecule and reaction index.

  • Add ordinary user to the bingo_reader user role. Such users will have permissions to perform molecule and reaction search queries.


Obtaining Bingo Version Number

select bingo.GetVersion();

Viewing the Log File

The log file is called bingo_sql_server.log and located in the system temporary directory on the server file system. Usually it is: C:\Windows\Temp\bingo_sql_server.log or C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\bingo_sql_server.log. To find out the log file location you can call:

exec bingo._WriteLog 'Some text'

This procedure adds specified text to the log file and prints to the output path to the log file.

All operation of Bingo is logged. All error and warning messages (not necessarily visible in SQL session) are logged. Some performance measures of the SQL queries are written to the log as well.