Installation Manual: Oracle

System Requirements

Operating Systems

  • Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008 (32-bit and 64-bit)

  • Linux (all modern distributions, 32-bit and 64-bit)

  • Solaris (including SPARC hardware)

  • Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard/10.6 Snow Leopard (64-bit)

Database Servers

  • Oracle 9, 10, 11 (including 11.2)

  • Oracle 10 XE

Tested Configurations

Bingo has been successfully tested on the following configurations:

Bingo Version


Operating System



Oracle 9 (32-bit)

Windows XP Professional

Intel x86


Oracle 10 (32-bit)

Windows XP Professional

Intel x86


Oracle 10 XE (32-bit)

Windows XP Professional

Intel x86


Oracle 11 (32-bit)

Windows XP Professional

Intel x86


Oracle 11 (64-bit)

Windows 2003 Server

Intel x86-64


Oracle 11 (64-bit)

Windows 2003 Server

Intel x86-64


Oracle 11 (64-bit)

Windows Vista Business

Intel x86-64


Oracle 11 (64-bit)

Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard

Intel x86-64


Oracle 11 (64-bit)

Windows 7 Enterprise

Intel x86-64


Oracle 10 XE (32-bit)

Linux: Ubuntu 9.04

Intel x86


Oracle 10 (64-bit)

Linux: Debian sid

Intel x86-64


Oracle 11 (64-bit)

Linux: Debian sid

Intel x86-64


Oracle 11 (64-bit)

Linux: Debian sid

Intel x86-64


Oracle 10 (64-bit)

Linux: CentOS 5.1

Intel x86-64


Oracle 9 (64-bit)

Solaris: SunOS 5.10



Oracle 9 (64-bit)

Solaris: SunOS 5.10



Oracle 10 (64-bit)

Mac OS X 10.6.1

Intel x86-64

Installation Prerequisites

All Systems

  • The value of the open_cursors parameter of the Oracle database server should be increased to 1000.

  • The extproc listener must be run in Oracle. The example of the listener.ora configuration file is provided below.

  • Note the EXTPROC_DLLS=ANY setting: It makes Oracle tolerant to the location of external libraries (including the Bingo library). However, this setting is not required when you install the Bingo library in the Oracle system directory (default).


The configuration is the same for all 32-bit and 64-bit Windows distributions.

    (SID_DESC =
      (PROGRAM = extproc)
      (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
      (GLOBAL_DBNAME = orcl)
      (ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1)

Linux (32-bit or 64-bit) or Solaris

    (SID_DESC =
      (PROGRAM = extproc)
      (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
      (GLOBAL_DBNAME = orcl)
      (ORACLE_HOME = /home/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1)

64-bit Linux or Solaris, with 32-bit extproc

If you have 64-bit Oracle but want to keep the 32-bit extproc for some reason, you can still use the 32-bit version of Bingo.

    (SID_DESC =
      (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
      (GLOBAL_DBNAME = orcl)
      (ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/11.1)
      (PROGRAM = extproc32)
      (ENVS = "EXTPROC_DLLS=ANY,LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/oracle/11.1/lib32")

Mac OS X (64-bit)

    (SID_DESC =
      (PROGRAM = extproc)
      (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
      (GLOBAL_DBNAME = orcl)
      (ORACLE_HOME = /Users/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1)

In addition to the kernel parameters described in Oracle® Database Installation Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2) for Apple Mac OS X you should change kern.sysv.shmseg from its default value, which is too low. Add the following line to /etc/sysctl.conf file:


Installation Procedure

All Systems

Note: The installation script creates a new user (usually bingo), with the default tablespace bingo and the temporary tablespace bingo_temp. If you specify another username for Bingo (for example, bingo1), the tablespace names will be bingo1 and bingo1_temp. The datafiles, located at the default Oracle datafile directory, will be 5 megabytes in size and will auto-extend by 5 megabytes without size limit. If you need to change the tablespace names, datafile locations, or size conditions, please edit the system/bingo_init.sql file manually before running the installation script. If you are installing on Oracle 9, edit the system/bingo_init_9.sql file instead.

Note: You cannot install Bingo on top of the existing installation. You have to drop the cartridge user (usually bingo) of the existing installation (see the Uninstalling section below). Or you can install a new version to another user.


Log in as Administrator if you are installing Bingo in the Oracle library directory (this is the default behavior). If you do not have administrator rights, please override the default setting by -libdir flag. In the latter case, you should have the EXTPROC_DLLS option set up properly.

Run the bingo-oracle-install.bat file located in the Bingo installation file set. The help message from the script follows:

Usage: bingo-oracle-install.bat [parameters]
  -?, -help
    Print this help message
  -libdir path
    Target directory to install bingo-oracle.dll (defaut %ORACLE_HOME%\bin).
    If the directory does not exist, it will be created.
  -dbaname name
    Database administrator login (default "system").
  -dbapass password
    Database administrator password (no default).
    If the password is not specified, you will have to enter it later.
  -instance instance
    Database instance (default "orcl").
    You can specify full address like "server:1521/instance" as well.
  -bingoname name
    Name of cartridge pseudo-user (default "bingo").
  -bingopass password
    Password of the pseudo-user (default "bingo").
    Do not ask for confirmation.

Linux, Solaris, or Mac OS X

Log in as oracle user if you are installing Bingo in the Oracle library directory (this is the default behavior). If you do not have rights to log in as oracle, please override the default setting by -libdir flag. In the latter case, you should have the EXTPROC_DLLS option set up properly.

Run the file located in the sql folder of the Bingo installation file set. The help message from the script is the following:

Usage: [parameters]
  -?, -help
    Print this help message
  -libdir path
    Target directory to install (defaut $ORACLE_HOME/lib).
    If the directory does not exist, it will be created.
  -dbaname name
    Database administrator login (default "system").
  -dbapass password
    Database administrator password (no default).
    If the password is not specified, you will have to enter it later.
  -instance instance
    Database instance (default "orcl").
    You can specify full address like "server:1521/instance" as well.
  -bingoname name
    Name of cartridge pseudo-user (default "bingo").
  -bingopass password
    Password of the pseudo-user (default "bingo").
    Do not ask for confirmation.


For the most simple installation, the defaults are taken: $ORACLE_HOME/lib directory for binary, ‘orcl’ instance, ‘system’ DBA account, and ‘bingo/bingo’ pseudo-user.

If you do not have access to the $ORACLE_HOME/lib directory, you can install the Bingo binary in your home directory: -libdir /home/myself

When you install on Oracle XE, the instance is usually called xe: -instance xe

You can install Bingo to an Oracle user other than ‘bingo’: -bingoname bingo2

To run in the non-interactive mode, you must specify ‘-y’ and ‘-dbapass’: -dbaname system -dbapass admin -y

In Windows, you often do not have the %ORACLE_HOME% setting, and so you have to specify the library directory manually:

bingo-oracle-install.bat -libdir C:\oracle\product\11.1.0\bin -dbaname system -dbapass admin -y

Checking the Installation

If the installation has succeeded, the following report will be printed at the end:

--------- REPORT ---------
Tables:             7
Views:              0
Packages:           4
Procedures:         45
Functions:          69
Sequences:          1

DB check executed.

To check that the shared library file is loaded properly by Oracle, you can try this simple query:

SELECT Bingo.GetVersion from DUAL;

Uninstalling the Cartridge

To uninstall the cartridge, you must:

  1. Remove all special domain indices that have been created by users. Removing the cartridge user without removing the indices will not harm your system, but the domain indices will be disabled.

  2. Remove the cartridge user (usually bingo) from the database: DROP USER BINGO CASCADE;

  3. Remove the cartridge tablespaces (usually BINGO and BINGO_TEMP). This step is necessary if you want to recover the disk space previously occupied by the indices. You can skip this step if you are willing to reinstall Bingo afterwards.